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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Adam Jasinski Sentenced to Four Years in Prison

Over a year since he was arrested in North Reading, Massachusetts, Adam Jasinski has been sentenced to four years in prison.
The champion of Big Brother 9 - who actually used his reality show winnings to set up a drug ring that included co-star Matt McDonald - was busted in October 2009 for trying to sell 2,000 oxycodone pills to a government informant. Smart, he is not.
Adam Jasinski Pic
It's a good thing Adam Jasinski has experience living with strangers in tight quarters.
In handing down the sentence to the 32-year old, U.S. District Court Judge William Young decreed:
"You were drug trafficking, and you were drug trafficking until they caught you. You got to a position where you thought that the rules didn't apply to you."
Said Jasinski, who admitted to being treated for bipolar disorder and drug addiction: "I'm sick. I won $500,000 and I blew it all. I apologize. I'm a mess... Give me a chance to get out and find out who I really am."

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