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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Laurence Maroney Busted on Drug, Gun Charges

Former first round pick Laurence Maroney has been a bust in the NFL. Now, the running back has been busted by the police.
According to the St. Louis Police Department, Maroney was one of five people arrested in a car last night that was stopped because cops observed "several occupants" smoking what they believed to be marijuana.
Laurence Maroney Picture
Three firearms (a .45-caliber handgun, a 9mm pistol and a .223 -caliber rifle) were found inside the car.
While authorities acknowledge that Maroney possesses a valid "Conceal and Carry" permit, it is still unlawful to carry a weapon while under the influence.
Maroney hails from St.Louis and averaged a scant 2.1 yards per attempt in 2010. Says his publicist:
"He holds a permit to carry a concealed weapon. He was not arrested for any drugs nor was he involved in a high-speed chase. He was released without being charged with any offense and we do not anticipate he will be charged with any criminal offense."

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